
Melitta® - Monte d'Oro® Aromatic - wurzig- Beans - 1000g

68.00 GEL

გადასახადი შედის. მიწოდება გამოითვლება გადახდისას.


Melitta® Monte d'Oro® spicy

Intense - Dark - Powerful

Coffee connoisseurs can tell from the powerful, spicy taste that the beans ripen in the highlands. The dark roast delivers a malty, tangy aroma, and the round, balanced body impresses. Anyone who likes a strong café crème or a rich espresso could fall for our “racy”...

Taste: Malt, brown sugar, citrus fruits

Melitta® - Monte d'Oro® Aromatic - wurzig- Beans - 1000g

68.00 GEL