KIMBO - Macinato - Caffè - Macinato Fresco 250gr

18.00 GEL

გადასახადი შედის. მიწოდება გამოითვლება გადახდისას.


The coffee preferred by the Neapolitans: strong and full-bodied, with a full and enveloping taste.

Intensity 11/13

Sensory profile

Milled mill Fresco is the favorite coffee of Neapolitans! 
A strong and full-bodied blend, with an unmistakable dark roasting that enhances its full and enveloping taste.
Its aroma is that of a freshly ground coffee, with unique notes of extra-melting chocolate and hints of spices.
Milled ground Fresco has always been synonymous with tradition and authentic goodness: in Naples, for over 50 years, its perfume means home.


The dark

Aromatic notes

Pan toast, Chocolate, Spices, Bitter Cocoo

KIMBO - Macinato - Caffè - Macinato Fresco 250gr

18.00 GEL